Here's an overview on my HbA1c counts since I was diagnosed.
- April 2009=10.5% (14.6mmol/L) Fasted test - first noticed but not followed up
- April 2011=13.3% (19.8mmol/L) Fasted test - test used to confirm diagnosis
- May 2011=10.5% (14.6mmol/L),
- June 2011=8.9% (11.7mmol/L)
- end of July 2011 = 7.4% (8.9mmol/L)
Apparently it needs to be between 4.5mmol/L and 6 or 6.5mmol/L. I'm not certain of that as I've had no contact from the diabetes clinic since diagnosis and I'm still waiting for an appointment. It would be nice to know what my target is.
All of this remarkable progress has been done using oral medication and a couple of life-style changes. I've cut down on biscuits,and chocolate is currently a no-no or in extremely small portions. Desserts and cakes have gone or have been swapped for low or sugar free varieties such as oat cakes. I make sure I've plenty of water to drink throughout the day and I'm using oatcakes if I fancy a snack between meals. I've bought some granulated sweetener for cooking and baking so I'll write about my experiences with that when I try it out.
All of this remarkable progress has been done using oral medication and a couple of life-style changes. I've cut down on biscuits,and chocolate is currently a no-no or in extremely small portions. Desserts and cakes have gone or have been swapped for low or sugar free varieties such as oat cakes. I make sure I've plenty of water to drink throughout the day and I'm using oatcakes if I fancy a snack between meals. I've bought some granulated sweetener for cooking and baking so I'll write about my experiences with that when I try it out.
I'm not due for another test until the end of September so my next blood sugar report will be around that time. So far I'm extremely happy with what I've achieved and it's not just down to taking tablets. I'm hoping to be somewhere around 6%-7% when I'm next tested.